Resilience Building

How do you deal with stress, pressure and challenge? Resilience is a measure of our ability to bounce back and continue moving forward after hardship. Whilst adverse live experiences can lead to a range of negative physical and psychological health outcomes (e.g. more risk of illness and disease, higher rates of anxiety and depression), people with high levels of resilience don’t show the same negative outcomes. 

An important predictor of resilience is community and connection.

Research shows that when people experience adversity or negative life experiences, having support is an important predictor of resilience. Thus, seeking support and nurturing your close relationships is important to health, wellbeing, and continued resilience. 

People with higher levels of resilience also demonstrate a more positive mindset.

They take time to process their emotions, and rather than viewing setbacks as failure, they acknowledge setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. Building resilience entails developing helpful coping strategies to manage overwhelming emotions such as practicing healthy habits (e.g. exercise, diet) and connecting with others. 

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